Look Out Ole Mack He’s Back After a four year absence, Johnny Mack is back at Morgan Stanley taking over from the ousted guy who gave him the axe. God, how many of us live for that.
Corporate Crooks Update Scrushy from HealthSouth made a clean getaway. The bible belt jurors couldn’t risk sticking a born again into the slammer. Too bad a northern court didn’t get their hands on him. Ebbers didn’t find Jesus and wasn’t smart enough stay in the bible belt. He’s surrendering most of his assets, about $40 million, to investors who lost three billion (+-), about a penny a dollar, and then he’s off to the lockup for a whole bunch of years.
A WalMart In Every Garage The Supreme Court rules that eminent domain, a principle that says an individuals property may be usurped for the larger good, extends not only to the needs of government but to commercial ventures as well. Not much new here, but it puts the cards on the table and the deck is loaded in favor of the bigs.
Poop on the Poor Is it just me or is there something akin to class discrimination in Procter and Gamble ’s new super cheap toilet paper, Charmin Basic, for the frugal shopper. It’s less squeezably soft and God only knows what other critical toilet paper elements are lacking. Next they’ll offer rolled up used catalogs and newspapers for the poor.
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